Good Relations

1 January 2019

Key registration information

Alternative trading names

(A subsidiary of) Chime Communications plc

Registered since

31 March 2015


PO Box 70693
105 Victoria Street

United Kingdom



'Clients' are the individuals or organisations for whom a consultant lobbyist has conducted the business of consultant lobbying in return for payment as defined by the Act.

Current client list (January to March 2019)

No clients listed. During this quarter, Good Relations made no communications which meet the definition of consultant lobbying as defined by the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act.

Previous client lists

Relevant code of conduct details

Is there in place an undertaking by this organisation to comply with a relevant code of conduct?


Details of where the code of conduct could be inspected:
This organisation adheres to the Public Affairs Code.


Where the organisation is a company list of directors can be found below. Where the organisation is a partnership list of partners can be found below. For organisations listed as organisation type 'other' list of executives can be found below.

See list of Directors
No records to display


This registrant has completed nil returns for the last six, or more, months. A number of amendments have been made to the list of clients submitted by Good Relations for previous Quarterly Information Returns.  

B&Q and Lontra were removed from theJanuary - March 2015 return on 26 May 2016.

Berkeley Group, St Edward, Southeastern, Bel Group, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Lontra and Subway BV were all removed from the April - June 2015 return on 26 May 2016.  The return was converted into a nil return.

SUBWAY BV, Southeastern, Lontra Ltd, The Bel Groupe, The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Berkely Group, St Edward and World Horse Welfare were removed from the July - September 2015 return on 26 May 2016.  The return was changed to a nil return. 

World Horse Welfare, The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Weetabix, The Bel Groupe, Subway International BV, St Edward, Southeastern, Lontra Ltd and Berkeley Group were removed from the October - December 2015 return on 26 May 2016.  The return was changed to a nil return.

Weetabix, St Edward, Southeastern, Lontra Ltd, Berkeley Group, The Bel Groupe, The Chartered Insitute of Management Accountants (CIMA), World Horse Welfare and Subway International BV were removed from the Jan - March 2016 return on 26 May 2016.  The return was changed to a nil return.

Weetabix was added to the January - March 2016 return on 8 June 2016.